Nature and Creation

What is the nature of Creation?
Creation is self-organizing.

Order in the universe arises spontaneously - it is an inherent property of nature. The self-organization of simple elements brings more complex elements into existence. Consider a snowflake.

Life originates from the interaction of simple elements.
Simple elements form networks. Autocatalysis is the basis of life.
Initially random interactions among simple elements give rise to self-perpetuating networks. Metabolic cycles, cells, patterns of gene expression, and, ultimately, organisms result.

Living beings are irreducible.
They are greater than the sum of their parts. Cut it up and lose it.
Our brains are a multitude of interconnecting neurons. The endless interactions among them across the synapses form a neural network that is capable of creating novelty. All of consciousness - thought, emotion, sensation - is emergent.

Organization begets organization.
From molecules to cells to tissues to organisms to societies to civilizations, interaction among the organized continues.
In ever-widening loops, individuals continue to interact - one with the other, one with the many, the many with the many, like with like, and like with unlike - giving rise to ecosystems.

Interdependence ramifies infinitely.

Creation is self-creating.
The autocatalytic nature of Creation allows visual art to unfold according to its own creative principles. Entire compositions arise spontaneously - the result of chance and inherent potential.



© copyright 2023, Jim Modiano